Arsenal's Golden Boy

Cesc is everywhere. In the newspapers, on the TV and especially on f*cking Twitter. Now, everybody is entitled to their opinion and I respect that so I've decided to subject you to mine.
I f*cking love Cesc Fabregas. Forget Henry, Bergkamp, Vieira, Pires, whoever. Cesc is the ultimate. True he ruined the 'legend' status by leaving but I absolutely adored him. The silky swagger with which he glided around the pitch, the impossible through balls and that beautiful mullet that bobbed up and down. Even his name is exquisite - Francesc Fabregas- go on say it (I know you f*cking want to). He was my favourite player of all time and yes I must admit I still go weak-kneed every time I see him grace a football pitch. But do I want him? F*ck no...
He's undoubtedly one of the best midfielders to ever play the game. FACT. He'd be a great player for us (again), he'd fit right into our system and game plan, he'd certainly upgrade the quality of any midfield and yes, there's a small space inside my heart reserved especially for him. But I don't want him - firstly because of the way he left us. He didn't really leave us so much as force himself out the f*cking door.
Let us Gooners not forget the faked injuries, the refusals to train and even "paying" part of his transfer fee because his boyhood club were such stingy c*nts they couldn't afford an extra 4 mil. And I don't buy that boyhood club sh!t. If he was so desperate to join them why is he leaving? Huh? I'll tell you why, he joined Arsenal in 2003. The Invincibles - Arsenal were on the ascendancy and he wanted part of that, no harm in that, until in 2011 he left for Barcelona another club on the ascendancy (just happened to be his boyhood f*cking club too). It looked like the grass was greener on the other side for good 'ol Francesc but turns out it was fertilized with bullsh!t and now he's looking towards pastures slightly greener. Something makes me wonder if we had lost on the 17th of May would he even want to come back.
Also there's the little matter of where he'd play. In Arsenal's midfield as things now stand we have three CM's (Yes I am tactically f*cking brilliant Mr Wenger if you read this by any chance I do consult on the weekends) of which one is the defensive midfielder role, another the attacking midfielder(no10) and the other is the human dynamo otherwise known as the "Aaron Ramsey-box-to-box-absolute-f*cking-tank-motherf*cker" midfielder. We'd be shooting ourselves in the foot (with a double-barreled-clay-pigeon-shooting shotgun) if we let Cesc play DM. It'd be a complete waste of his ability to be perfectly honest and the defence would suffer horibly. My opinion is that the no10 would suit his skill set however I believe Mesut to be the far more effective player behind the striker. Which leaves the box-to-box role. No doubt he'd be able to play it well but that would mean Aaron sits bench. We can't have that now.
Besides all of that it hardly seems fair to punish players who had the balls and the grit to stick it out through the tough times and the dog days. It's those players: the Ramseys and Rosickys and Walcotts and Wilsheres and Koscielnys and Gibbs(s) who hit rock bottom. It was those players who climbed out of that f*cking pit called mediocrity and who won us our first f*cking trophy in 9 years and it's those absolute f*cking hero's in red and white who deserve to win more trophies (hopefully) and not someone (even though he is Cesc f*cking Fabregas) who didn't have the mettle to tough it out.
That been said if he does come I will be over the f*cking moon because I do still love him. He’ll always be Arsenal’s favourite child regardless of his so-called Barca DNA. However I'd like to tell everyone who's been moaning about it, that if he doesn't grace the hallowed halls of London Colney again it’s because "Wenger Knows Best" (I'm not WKB but he does) and that even if he does go to Chelsea or Man U we shouldn't direct vitriol towards him because that's just not football. He was a faithful servant to the club and I think it’s as dear to him as he is to us.
If you’re still reading I’d like to thank you. This is my first ‘blog’ or article I’ve ever written and I hope it wasn’t an utter waste of your time. If you did in fact enjoy it please comment down below and even if you’re a bitter ‘ol c*nt and hated every syllable please comment down as there as well.
Editor's Response
I think you've made your feelings explicitly clear, Joe. ;) Cesc is one of those divisive characters at Arsenal - many want him, many don't but the most divisive thing about him is the inner torment he can cause. He is certainly one of the best midfielders in the world and if a player of that calibre becomes available we should be looking at them.... but... he forced his way out when we needed him most. We put in a buy-back clause for a reason and not exercising it is madness.... but... he doesn't naturally fill a gap at Arsenal. A player of calibre will make a role for themselves and we can accomodate him.... but... we have other, more pressing, needs to address first. Allowing him to play for another club in the Premier League could be suicide for us.... but... it would be silly to spend £30m on a player just to stop others having him.
Superb first blog and we hope to see you back again soon.
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Tags: Fabregas