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Why We Can Be Champions Next Year

Financially too we seem to be hitting our stride. With a net spend over the last seven seasons of about -80m, we look set, with two big commercial deals done (or supposedly done) this season, we look set to finally spend some of that money. No matter how abhorrent I may find it, money is a very important factor in football these days and we finally seem capable to compete with the biggest. The carefully cultivated name and image of the Arsenal is reaping us massive profits, and the stadium which we built on our own is the basis for many good things in our future. Others will know more about these details so I won't go into too much detail here, but I can vent my opinion that a club where everything is stable indoors, will perform better on the pitch. Likewise, a club where things are stable inside the club will have more chance of successfully making the right signings. And without our focus being on fending off opponents for our star players, we have more time to turn attention to acquisitions.

Elsewhere, other clubs are hardly going to improve this summer. Man U has an aging squad that has gained success in recent months mainly on the ability of their manager. Now that that manager has gone, I doubt that they can easily repeat that success. Financially they are strong by Moyes is an unknown quantity with money. At City, they have a discontented, disharmonious squad with a very good new manager, who again has never really been much of a spender of money (a major factor at his new club) and who has no experience of English football. Their squad isn't the youngest either and some of their foreign players have thrown loving glances at other, more exotic, shores. And at Chelsea they have a fantastic squad, finally being stripped of the influence of the racist captain, and look set to spend fabulous sums this summer again. But Mourinho is not a long term manager, and to my mind (and others) the players he is inheriting are not in the mould he would like them to be. He might create a strong title challenge, but three years down the line they might implode massively. And I, being a Gooner, always have the long-term in mind too.

Is this all a pipe dream? I really don't think so. With the current squad we have a lot of talent, a lot of individual ability and yet a growing sense of team spirit. The brittleness of the past and the fatality of individual errors seem to slowly be dissipating. Wenger has regained that roaring fire that changed the landscape of the PL and led to a season unbeaten. Not only that, but his ruthless dropping of Vermaelen and Szczesny this season shows that he has the desire to change things, and the ability to adapt. His is still a legendary name in football and the biggest draw we have this summer to prospective signings.

With a few good signings, with a summer of understanding and creating harmony, and with the right amount of luck, I can see this squad going on to greater heights. Ramsey and Gibbs are hitting their strides, Podolski and Wilshere will be fit and raring to go, the defence will want to remain mean and stingy, Arteta, Sagna and Rosicky will remain the elder statesman ready to perform and keep the team together and in Cazorla we have one of the very best players in the league ready to weave magic.

In Arsene Wenger we have the best manager in the league next season and in the Emirates an amazing stadium, slowly becoming a bastion of Goonerdom. All these years we have yearned for stability, for financial strength and for a squad that can be built on without disrupting things. This summer, finally, after quite an arduous season, we finally look set to get it. And the title, well, the title, might seriously be ours next year.

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